LassoScript Utility
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Tag Link [RegExp->Output] Category String
Type Member Source Available Yes
Support Preferred Version 8.5
Change New Data Source Any
Output Type String Security None
Implementation Sets Lasso 8.5


[RegExp->Output] returns the stored output string. Usually this tag will be called after an interactive search/replace operation to return the results of the operation.

The same value as returned by this tag is returned if the regular expression object is cast to string using [String: $myRegExp].

If a regular expression has been created, but no output has been generated when either the [RegExp->Output] tag is called or the regular expression object is cast to string then the [RegExp->ReplaceAll] tag is called on the stored input string in order to generate the output.


[Var: 'myRegExp' = (RegExp: -Find='(\\w)(\\w+)')]
[$myRegexp->(Input: 'the lazy dog')]
[While: $myRegExp->Find]
[Var: 'myReplacement' = (String_Uppercase: $MyRegExp->(MatchString: 1))]
[$myRegExp->(AppendReplacement: $myReplacement)]
[$myRegExp->(AppendReplacement: $MyRegExp->(MatchString: 2))]


No Parameters Required.


See the Lasso 8 Language Guide for examples of how to use this tag.

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